A Bhikkhu must identify and recognize what his calling and duties are. All Bhikkhus become ordained to seek a cessation of suffering and attain the blissful state of Nibbana. That is why every Bhikkhu makes a solemn promise at the time of ordination as a monk, “to become free from all suffering and attain Nibbana” (sabba dukkha nissarana nibbana sacchikaranattaya).

All beings continue in a series of rebirths according to their accumulated kamma -results. The uninitiated are enslaved by unwholesome kamma-actions that prolong the continuance of rebirths. Buddhas come to this world and spread the all-important message: not to indulge in unwholesome kamma-actions but to engage in kamma-actions that are wholesome and meritorious. In that way beings can become free from the suffering of continuing rebirth.

From the beginning of their history, human beings spread around the globe. What did they contribute to their fellow beings? What were their struggles? What were their main ambitions? What were their victories?
They carried with them an insatiable passion to emulate and surpass each other. They desired to become more powerful by destroying each other. They sought means to best please their senses. In search of that goal they shed blood in frightening wars.

Deva worlds, Brahma worlds, Hells, and the world of Spirits: these are things we cannot see. There are many people who suggest that they are imagined thoughts.
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