Bless you with Metta!
(Founder's Message)
Nearly two thousand and five hundred years back in the road of history, the most beautiful and gracious event happened, the emergence of our mighty Lord Buddha. In the same era, there was an unquenched thirst among the public to find the truth of life and in order to find or achieve that, they practiced various methods. Load Buddha showed them the hidden truth of life in a unique way that no one ever had come across. The ultimate truth had been discovered. That was the ‘Golden Era’ of Buddha’s India. People successfully got rid of the ongoing misery, anxiety, agony, awkwardness and grief with the great teachings of the Buddha. They were able to face the life challenges without heartaches and they managed to mark the end to the continuing cycle of Sansara - The birth and death. The Buddha with his ultimate kindness saved the people from pain and suffering. This was the most successful and most beautiful time that had ever occurred. The level of intelligence of people in that era was not the same as present and pretty hard to be compared. They were so advanced in thinking about life and have not fallen or trapped for simple and fake tastes of life easily….. Not like nowadays. Load Buddha had spoken of different ways to see the path with intelligence by rejecting the myths of life with proper explanations as per the ‘cause & effect theory’. Buddhism is a collection of these noble discourses that awakened the wisdom of people.
After his lordships’ Parinirvana, all his noble disciples who attained the enlightenment safeguarded the Dhamma for the future in ‘Magadhi’ (alias Pali) language which was used in Buddha’s India. The noble Sanga became ambassadors of the Buddha’s Dhamma and disseminated the word of the Buddha throughout the world. The sublime mission was implemented by the great king Dharmashoka. As a result, his son Arahant Mihindu Thero arrived in our little Island with the intact words of Lord Buddha. Most respected Arahant Mihindu Thero delivered the original sermons of Lord Buddha to our fortunate ancestors. That occasion was very special as the Sri Lankan society was introduced with the ‘Bikkhus’ – One of the main streams of a Buddha Sasana. Lay disciples also successfully learnt as how to practice this Dhamma in their day-to-day lives. The noble mission of Arahant Mihindu Thero, established the Buddhism in Sri Lanka and safeguarded its’ existence for many future generations.
As the time passes, anonymous changes did hit the economical, social, political, educational and religious sectors in each and every part of the world. As a result the novel Buddhism and the practicality among followers had disappeared. But fortunately the most precious teachings of the Buddha which was rendered to us by Arahant Mihindu Thero had been safely protected.
Though the practicality in Buddhism started fading away, people always continued to search for something better and realistic for themselves. At present, the public is not so keen or interested in searching for truth comparing to the Buddha’s era but there are wise groups who interested in investigating the hidden side of life. I tried so hard and went on to extremes facing many challenges on my way in uncovering this ultimate truth. I was so fortunate to read the noble Dhamma of the Buddha in full - The dignified inheritance of Arahant Mihindu Thero. Buddhism can be rated as the greatest source of intelligence in the world. These teachings show us the enormous talent, kindness, self consciousness, pure mind, intelligence and the unmatched identity of the greatest person appeared ever on this earth - The Buddha. All these points together reflect one thing….. The uniqueness of the Thathagatha.
The Dhamma service of ‘Mahamewnawa’ commenced by me ten years ago as a memorial service gift for the noble mission of Arahant Mihindu Thero. When we at Mahamewnawa started preaching the lucid Dhamma of the Buddha, intelligent groups from all over the Island gathered around us with an improved interest in this ultimate truth. What we should believe in is only his lordship’s intelligence and if someone respects that Dhamma, worship the Dhamma and discuss the lives according to the Dhamma he who become the person who attain the truth of life. The truth of life can be expressed exclusively by Buddhism.
I welcome you all to Mahamewna with Mettha. Within our Dhamma service we have no restrictions with regard to the race, cast, language, colour or religion since we believe that everybody should feel the aroma of humanity. That is the world the Buddha wished. The Dhamma is open for everybody. The teachings of Lord Buddha are for those who open minded and intelligently embrace the truth for their own good and protection. Let us gather around the righteous Dhamma to learn it, to understand it and live accordingly. Let’s share this splendid gift of Dhamma with everybody. That is our noble duty of the time. May you all be blessed by the Buddha, the noble Dhamma and Sangha , good spiritual friends and all deities!
~ Ven. Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thero~
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